Recovery Curriculum
The impact of the Covid Catch-Up Premium on educational attainment and how it will be assessed:
Baseline assessments (PIXL maths, reading, GPS /White Rose maths, /Salford Reading/Lexia) to measure pupils’ attainment in relation to age related expectations. Assessment show issues with writing and spelling across school, KS1 reading including phonics, listening and attention in EYFS impacting on basic skills.
Quality first teaching for all children to address any identified gaps. Teachers to develop and deliver bespoke interventions based upon both summative and formative assessment information (see above) for groups and individual children.
Pupils will be assessed periodically to check that they are making up lost ground and to measure progress. Assessment will be by using teacher judgement and linked to summative assessment using PIXL reading, maths, grammar spelling and punctuation, White Rose Maths Assessments, EYFS profile and standardised tests.
How the funding will be spent:
- Additional learning support assistants to enable teachers to deliver additional catch up sessions
- National Tutoring Programme to target specific individuals and small groups (3 pupils)
- Purchase of new reading books for KS1
- Purchase of online resources (Seesaw/Times Tables Rock Stars)
Covid-19 Covid Catch Up Premium
covid catch up premium at knop law.pdf
Recovery Related Documents:
remote learning policy jan 21 .pdf
Remote Learning
To find out more about our home learning platform and how we use it, please click here.