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Knop Law Primary School


What does a school governor do?

Governors are responsible for overseeing the management of a school including strategy, budgeting, policy and staffing. They support school to run as effectively as possible, working with senior leaders and teachers to provide excellent education for the children. They are not responsible for the day to day running of the school which is the role of the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team.

Being a school governor requires a commitment to attending governing body meetings to consider issues such as setting the vision of the school, agreeing and monitoring the school budget and scrutinising educational outcomes.

Governors can bring a wide range of skills and expertise to the governing body and school can benefit greatly from this.

 Register of Interests - Governors 2023/24

governors intrests.pdf

 Governors 2023/24 Committee Interests


governors committee interests.pdf


Governor Information Knop Law

Core governor responsibilities

Along with the Headteacher, it is the role of the GB to set the school’s aims and objectives to ensure development and improvement. They set policies, create plans and agree targets to enable school to meet their aims and objectives. They regularly monitor the progress towards the targets set.

The Governing Body is there to both support and challenge the Senior Leadership Team. They play a crucial role in holding the Headteacher to account for achieving the highest outcomes possible for the children. Governors challenge key decisions and ask relevant questions about the school’s progress towards its priorities.

The GB have a strategic role in the financial management of school, which includes setting financial priorities through the School Improvement Plan, the 3 Yr Budget and the Annual Budget. Governors also agree how the school’s delegated budget should be spent in accordance with the School Improvement Plan and Curriculum Requirements.



How does the Governing Body  work?

Governors work together to provide an independent oversight of the management and operation of the school.

Full Governing Body meetings are held once a term.

Governors are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of a school and its curriculum. School visits help governors to understand more about the school and school life. Governor visits to classrooms are not an inspection but a form of monitoring the progress of the school.

A Governing Body is required to have certain statutory committee. At Knop Law we have a Finance and Resources and Curriculum and progress sub committees.  All  governors are members of one of these  committees. The work of the committees is reported to the Full Governing Body, which keeps all governors informed of progress towards all priorities.

Prior to all meetings governors receive an agenda, a copy of the minutes from the previous meeting and any other relevant papers to be discussed. Governors are encouraged to read these papers and formulate any questions they may wish to ask.


If you would like further information about becoming a school governor please do not hesitate to contact the school to discuss this.

The minutes of our Governing Body meetings are available on request from the School Office.