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Policies are reviewed and updated in line with the ONE Trust’s policy schedule or earlier if new guidance or legislation is issued and/or business need for earlier review is identified.  All policies will be updated on the website, once they have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees or delegated committee. These include, but are not limited to:

Charging and Remissions Policy;
Complaints Procedure for Parents/Carers;
Equality Information and Objectives Policy; 
Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy;
Executive Pay;
GDPR (including data protection, information security, freedom of information, acceptable use and privacy notices);
Governors' Allowances Policy;
Health and Safety Policy;
Online Safety Policy;
Remote Education Information;
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions;
Suspensions and Exclusions;
Trustees Information and Duties;
Trust Financial Information; and Whistleblowing Policy.

ONE Trust information, reports and policies that apply to its academies can be viewed at www.onetrustacademies.org.uk or via the links below: