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Pupil Performance

Pupil Performance

Statutory assessments are carried out at the end of KS1 (Year 2) and KS2 (Year 6). Further information can be found on the Department of Education website


Key Stage 1 and  EYFS Results 2021-22

Y6 SATs Results 2021-2022


Updated Key Stage 2 Assessment Measures

Since 2016/17,  new assessment procedures were introduced with higher expectations in all areas of the curriculum. Attainment (SATs results in reading, maths, GPS) is now measured via a scaled score and new progress scores have also been introduced.



Attainment is measured via a scaled score where 100 is broadly the national standard however for each subject this will fluctuate in line with the performance of all children across the country. This results in each subject having a different scaled score.

KS2 progress is measured from each child’s average point score at KS1. A score of zero would be in line with national. The higher above zero a score is the better the progress and a lower a score indicates less progress than expected

View results from statutory assessments including EYFS and Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2. 

Archived Data 

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