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Knop Law Primary School

RSE Consultation

Dear Parents

The Department for Education has announced changes to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).

These changes will come into effect from September 2021 and all schools will be required to comply with the updated requirements.

This means that we’ve been reviewing our RSE curriculum and policy so we can be sure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their:

  • Age



    Physical and Emotional Maturity 




    Religious and Cultural Backgrounds





  • Special Education Needs and/or disabilities 





Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and involves learning about relationships, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity.  RSE involves a combination of teaching, and exploring issues and values.  

At Knop Law we only provide relationships education.

As a school community, we cannot meet in the usual way which makes it more challenging to consult with you. To help you understand the curriculum requirements, I have placed DfE information below which I would encourage you to read.

We are committed to working in partnership with our parents and value your views. To ensure that our policy and curriculum has your full support we would appreciate any feedback you might have. 


You can submit your feedback by email to liz.simpson@knoplaw.newcastle.sch.uk

(please use RSE in the subject line).


If you would like to discuss this further please contact school.

The deadline for responding to the consultation is Monday 6th September

Many thanks

Ms Simpson

Dfe RSE Primary Schools Curriculum Guide

Knop Law RSE policy draft for parent consultation

Download our policy here: 


rse policy.pdf