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Knop Law Primary School

Schools Direct

Creating Teachers for Tomorrow (CT4T) are delivering a dynamic, new Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme based in the Outer West of Newcastle Upon Tyne. 

We are working in partnership with Northumbria University offering one year full time Schools Direct tuition placements and two salaried placements. We are still accepting applications for Schools Direct and are looking for one outstanding candidate. It could be you!

For regular updates. visit the

Ct4t Facebook Group

You would become part of a long established network of schools that work closely together and frequently share expertise. We are fortunate to be able to offer a wide variety of settings which include: small village schools, large two form entry schools and opportunities to have placements in a pupil referral unit and a specialist provision for children with autistic spectrum disorder.

We will provide support, expertise and an array of experiences, allowing trainees to fulfil their potential as excellent practitioners.

Successful applicants joining CT4T, will gain a full PGCE with Masters credits from Northumbria University. Trainees will spend four days a week based in host and placement schools, with the fifth day dedicated to bespoke training and university support.
