Skills for Life: Knoplets Learning Powers
We believe that developing life skills is important to the wider personal development of a child beyond the academic education they receive in school. Developing the skills to be successful learners and engaged citizens is at the heart of our whole school culture and ethos and is shown through our everyday routines, the behaviour of staff and pupils and the teaching and learning in our classrooms.
Working together as a community we have identified eight dispositions of effective learners. These skills and attitudes enable children to become successful, lifelong learners. In school these skills and attitudes are known by the school community as “Knop Lets Learning Powers ” and are explicitly taught, shared and celebrated with the children. The “Knop Lets Learning Powers are linked to key characters who exemplify specific learning attitudes and skills. They are:
- Don’t give up (Mr. Resilient).
- Be co-operative (Ms. Co-operative).
- Be curious (Mr. Curiosity).
- Have a go (Ms. Risky)
- Use your imagination (Mr. Imagination).
- Keep improving (Ms. Improvement)